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Sonplaat maak

'n Sonplaat is 'n tipe drukwerkproses, so dit is 'n ander manier om afdrukke te maak. Dit is 'n proses wat die sonlig neem en patrone op metaalplaat skep. Die beste deel — daar word nie van jou verwag om 'n talent of ervaring in enige ander vorm van drukwerk, ets, ens. te hê nie vir wonderlike resultate. Terwyl die voor die hand liggend geplaas is, kan dit heel moontlik 'n prettige feit wees vir kinders en speelse seniors, speel self hiermee. 

Design Choose a drawing, real graph or photo you like. They both have eye to see interpretation Anything You could think of Starts With simplest forms or widely recognized pictures

'n Stap-vir-stap-gids vir die maak van sonkragplaat

Next step is not painting your design in black paint on white paper; It involves getting a transparent plastic sheet and drawing the entire DONGRUAN sonkragplaat out with black ink. 

No you need to keep the plate under Sun for some time. It depends on how sunny is outside. That said, if it was very sunny outside then the sun waiting time might not be as long.

Waarom DONGRUAN Sonplaatvervaardiging kies?

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